“Dream and you will win the world”
Pastor y founder of @iglesiamci
Passionate for God and for helping others live a true encounter with Jesus through the @visiong12
Cesar and Emma Claudia
Pastor Cesar Castellanos was born in Colombia, and is a husband, father of 5, grandfather of 13, pastor, writer, and a renowned international speaker. Together with his wife, Emma Claudia, they founded and are senior pastors of International Charismatic Mission Church in Bogota, Colombia. A congregation that started with only 8 people in 1983 and has now become one of the fastest growing churches of this time. God revealed to them the Government of 12 “G12”, and they have worked with it to fulfill the Great Commission that the Lord Jesus Christ entrusted us with, impacting nations all around the world.


The Castellanos family is a family with a heart to serve God.
Emma Claudia is the senior pastor of MCI, but has also had a very successful career in politics. She was the first christian congress woman and has opened a way for believers to have open representation in government. She has been a Government advisor, an entrepreneur, and is currently a Senator of the Republic of Colombia.
Eliemerson and Johanna are the principal pastores of G12 Church in Miami, coordinators of the G12 Vision in Brazil, and form part of the principal pastoral team of MCI in Bogota. They work endlessly to raise up leaders and pastors passionate for Jesus.
Richard and Manuela form a part of the principal pastoral team in Bogota. They are also the founders of Little Big Heroes, Hero Moms, and Hero House, ministries dedicated to teaching the Word of God to families worldwide.
Julian and Lorena are pastors as well as renowned and talented musicians, recognized for their ministerial work with bands “Generación 12” and “Soulfire Revolution” (now G12 Worship). They are currently pastors of Mission Orlando in Orlando, Florida.
Sara and Lau are youth pastors in Bogota and in Brazil. Additionally, Sara followed her mom’s footsteps and is currently the most voted for Government Councilwoman in Bogota.
Matias is a part of the G12 Vibe Pre-teen ministry in Miami and is preparing himself to follow in his parents footsteps. He has already preached in conferences, demonstrating his passion and knowledge of the Word of God.