“But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him.” (Luke 10:33-34, ESV)
Today, I’d like to start by asking you a question: How is your heart? It is astonishing to hear the testimonies of many people who feel deeply wounded by various situations. These situations produce deep wounds; if not addressed properly, they can turn into great resentments and hatred and practically consume a person’s life.
Remember what the proverb says: “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23, ESV)
What happens inside determines everything else. If you have been seeking to heal your emotions, gain freedom, or find inner peace, I would like to offer you some advice that may help.
- Decide to Forgive. The deepest wounds are often caused by those closest to us. Unforgiveness is the biggest cause of soul wounds. Remember, forgiveness is not an emotion but a decision. If you want to be healed, release forgiveness over all who have hurt you.
- Accept the Lord’s Help. The Lord is that good Samaritan who comes to us with love to care for us and bind our wounds. But we need to be willing to receive the blessing. Some people are so hurt that they simply do not believe anything can help them or are driven by resentment and act with pride. The Lord is ready; just acknowledge your condition and accept His guidance.
- Pray Applying the Power of Jesus’ Blood. The good Samaritan used two elements to heal the wounded man’s injuries: oil and wine. The wine refers to the power of Jesus’ blood; it is medicine for soul wounds. I invite you to download our free resources to learn how to pray correctly using the blood of Jesus. The prayer guide can be found by clicking here.
- Spend Quality Time with the Holy Spirit. The oil refers to the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Remember that Jesus Himself described Him as the Comforter. Dear friend, the Holy Spirit is the ONLY One who knows the deepest parts of our being and knows how to meet every need.
- Join a Cell Group and Seek Guidance from Your Leader. Many people think the story of the good Samaritan ends there, but note that it concludes with “he took him to an inn and took care of him.” The place where the Lord cares for us is in a cell group, where we receive a portion of the Word each week and have the support of a leader who can guide us along the right path and watch over our growth.
Restoration and deliverance processes can only occur when there is close leadership. But I know that God desires you to find the true peace only found in Jesus Christ.
I hope these words have helped you find direction and comfort.
May God bless you greatly,
César Castellanos